Friday, October 06, 2006

Dallin Mack Grubbs with cowboy hat at the October heart attack breakfast Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Survivors of the October Heart Attach Breakfast.

See any body you know? Posted by Picasa
Have you ever seen any cuter cowkids (cow boy and cow girls)? Posted by Picasa
Newly Weds?
No, that is not their baby. It is actually Jessica's sister. Posted by Picasa
Katie, aka, "The Dating Machine" wows all the boys with her captivating smile and her many talents. She somehow finds time to improve her talents with dance, piano, and voice lessons eveyr week. She also works part time for an optomitrist and volunteers as an intern. How she does it all, is beyond me!

Keep up the good work Katie Posted by Picasa